PEN PAPER PEACE – Peace through education
PEN PAPER PEACE e.V. campaigns for education. Paper and pen metaphorically improve the situation of young people. Through our educational projects we aim to build bridges worldwide. Education gives a future, it gives courage and it is the building block for the ability to act with self-reliance.
On the one hand, we campaign for the political education of children in Europe, by incentivizing independent thinking, illustrating global developments and their impact on humans as well as showing options to act autonomously and free of influence.
On the other hand, we enable young people in the world’s poorest regions to receive an adequate education and find a safe harbor. This is how we strengthen not only the individual prospects of the children, but also stabilize the local communities and civil societies in a sustainable manner.
With our projects “Kleine Schritte für Honduras – Small Steps for Honduras” as well as the school competition “Scuole per Haiti – Schools for Haiti” in Italy we incorporated two new projects and countries into our mother organization PEN PAPER PEACE in 2019 and are now officially present in four countries: Haiti, Germany, Italy and Honduras.
Schools for Haiti
Since 2008, PEN PAPER PEAcE has been running the project “Schulen für Hiti – Schools for Haiti”. Through fundraising we have supported the reconstruction and maintenance of the St. Emma and St. Nicholas elementary schools in Haiti’s largest slum called Cité Soleil. Thus, we are able to offer children that would otherwise be deprived of an education regular schooling as well as a safe place to go to. Every year, over 600 pupils are attending our schools and are learning how to calculate, read and write. Therefore, these children have the possibility to build an independent future for themselves. The staff is exclusively Haitian, which also means that we create jobs in the community and contribute to the local economy.
Global learning in Germany and Italy
By thinking about the life conditions of peers in Haiti, children and adolescents in Germany and Italy are invited to acquire new knowledge and take different perspectives as well as reflect on their own privileges. School education is sadly still very one-sided regarding the historical roots for extreme poverty and the impact of colonialism on current political instability of former colonies. We are giving the unique chance to gain the precious ability to reflect upon the global context.
Training in Honduras
In 2017 we vIsited the daycare center “Pasos Pequenitos” for the first time. The project immediately aroused our interest, as it enables young single mothers in the capital of Tegucigalpa to finish their professional training or studies while their children are cared for in a loving environment. This is how we can work effectively on two levels.
To find out more about our projects visit the website of or organization at